The Miller's! · April 15, 2008 0

Ramblings of a Madman..Or At Least a Bored Man…

A journey down the path of my mind and the various thoughts that inevitably pop in and out ad nauseum.

National Pastime vs. National Pastime – Enjoying the wonderful springtime weather we have been having has been our neighbors, at least some of them. Behind our townhouse is a stretch of grass where a lot of the kids play.  Well recently we have had a mirror image National Pastime game going on.  On one side is the kids playing baseball with a tennis ball.  The flip side was a group of Indians playing cricket; real, live, cricket.  It’s been wild watching.  I will be the first to admit I am a pretty big sports nut but I have never paid much attention to cricket.  It’s been fun seeing both catchers back to back as they play.  I don’t know if the guys are playing legit rules or not but it does look interesting.

Our Other Neighbors – They are real jackasses.  No serious, they are, see…

Matthew feeding our new neighbors :)

It seems everywhere we go we have animal life following us.  Many of you that have been following us around know about good ole friendly Groundhog.

Puxatawney Phil he was not

He took up residence underneath our shed at the old house.  We only saw him the first year and then we saw him no more.  But in any case, in front of our townhouse across the cul de sac is a small farm that houses the three donkeys shown above as well as a goat or two and a flock of Canadian geese.  The other day after church, Matthew and I walked over because we saw that they were all out close to the fence.  Matthew proceeded to feed them dying grass and pet them without fear at all.  I was a little concerned just because of their look 🙂

Pregnancy Update – I guess if I am going to post something I should update the pregnancy eh 🙂  Michelle is doing fine.  We have past the “Matthew Mark” where Matthew was born at 33 weeks and 6 days, which I think has relieved some stress on Michelle.  This pregnancy has been polar opposite of Matthew’s.  Michelle really has had no issues at all, knock on wood.  Michelle is now starting to see the doctor once a week and is undergoing non-stress tests twice a week to ensure all is continuing as it should.  One of the last ultrasounds we actually got a half decent shot so I will try and scan some of them and post for all.  Going back in time some just because I never remembered to post it.  It was funny when all this started we went to Hospital at the University of Penn for the first time, Michelle had been having nausea problems, much unlike Matthew’s pregnancy.  The funny thing is the link between smells.  When we got to the hospital, Matthew had to potty so I took him while Michelle was waiting and I was washing my hands afterwards and the smell of the soap brought back so many memories of being in the NICU after Matthew was born.  I washed my hands so many times going in and out, I don’t think I will ever forget that smell.  At the time and even now I thought it was funny that Michelle was having so many problems with smells and this smell brought me back to one of the happiest moments of my life.

Netflix – Since the loss of DirecTV to try and save some money as well as fighting with the Installer about what he could and couldn’t do to the townhouse, we added Netflix to compensate for my loss of movies 🙂  I am not prepared to say that it is in the same category as Sirius Satellite Radio or Tivo but I am digging it.  It is nice to just request a movie and it be here in a day.  I have really enjoyed putting lists together which falls in line with one of my all time favorites “High Fidelity”.  I have added our Queue on the main page, probably right next to this if you are reading it 🙂  Enjoy what we are about to enjoy 😉  In this same line, my top ten favorite movies…

  1. “Ocean’s Eleven” – An unbelievable movie with a great cast.  Awesome one liners and an incredible witty dialog.
  2. “The Matrix” – Simply amazing visual movie and a techie’s dream 🙂
  3. “Se7en” – Fascinating movie.  Very dark and disturbing.  I have always had a fascination for serial killers and the such.
  4. “Serendipity” – With main characters being in my top 5 it’s hard to find something wrong, other than Molly Shannon of course.  This movie will always remind me of finding my wife 🙂
  5. “High Fidelity” – Cusack strikes again 🙂  Incredibly funny and “this one’s creeping up the charts.” 🙂
  6. “Notting Hill” – Sucker for Romantic Comedies.  Great soundtrack.
  7. “August Rush” – I love music and music and movies are an escape for me.  This is a great movie!
  8. “Constantine” – Keanu is in my top 5, yeah I know, but I can’t help it.  Reminds me of This Present Darkness and Piercing the Darkness by Frank E. Peretti.
  9. “Alien” – How can you not love this movie.  One of the first movies where you think something is gonna happen the music makes you think something is gonna happen, but nothing does, and then someone turns the other way and there is an alien ready to implant you!  Gotta love it.
  10. “Equilibrium” – Wow, along the lines of “The Matrix”.  Christian Bale is creeping into my top guys, don’t believe me check out “The Machinist” yikes.

So if you’re on Netflix, add me as a friend.

NFL 2008 – So the season is upon us, yeah I know it’s still 5 months till opening night, but the draft is less than two weeks away.  That’s the start of the season for me 🙂  Michelle knows draft weekend, I disappear in front of the TV to watch all 20 hours or so 🙂  The scheudle was released today and I can help but show my optimism.  Overall the Eagles have a balanced schedule with a max run of 2 road games and those are Cincy and Baltimore.  5 prime time games is very good.  2 Monday night games with one at home.  Icing on the cake, Thanksgiving night game at home against the Cards.  My first projections of the year…

W, L, W, W, W, W, Bye, W, W, L, W, W, W, L, W, W, W = 13-3

That’s right, 13-3, and should be first seed in the NFC 🙂  Not your typical Philly Fan, what can I say.

So that’s it for now.  I’m tired of typing, dinner is being fixed, and the Flyers are about to come on.  Stole home ice advantage and first home game is tonight.  The Wachovia Center should be hopping!  See ya!
