The Miller's! · April 6, 2008 1

R.I.P. Freddy


Some of you may already be aware of the fact that last week we had to take Freddy, one of our cats, to the vet because he was constantly vomiting and lost quite a bit of weight. Well it turns out the prognosis was stomach or pancreatic cancer. We wanted to see if by chance there was a possibility of pancreatitis but Freddy has not gotten any better with medication. Today Michelle has taken Freddy to the vet to be put down to ease his pain. He hasn’t been eating and has been quickly getting worse.

Matthew I think is just under the age of understanding completely. We told him that Freddy has been sick and he has seen all he has gone through. We told him that Mommy was taking him to the doctors and he wouldn’t be coming back home. He was going to go play with Jesus in heaven. Matthew was sad, but I don’t think he fully understood, which is a good thing in my opinion.

Freddy was a unique cat to say the least. Huge, was the first impression you got, between 25 to 30 pounds, Freddy was imposing 🙂 Just as anal retentive and a loner as his owners, Freddy wasn’t as friendly as our other cats. Freddy wanted to be petted when he wanted to be petted. If you started petting Freddy as you were walking by and he was laying there, he would get up and walk away from you. Freddy mostly wanted to be petted after you got out of the shower making sure you were clean before you touched him 🙂 Michelle often called him the Hairy Hemorrhoid as he always wanted attention when you were the busiest, i.e. getting out of the shower, sitting on the toilet, or doing dishes. The funniest thing about Freddy, with his size, and the fact that he always laid on his back, he looked like a furry dog a lot of the times 🙂

Freddy, a great cat who will greatly be missed…