Been a few days or so since I updated everyone on what’s been going on so here goes…
MBS – We had a doctors appointment today for another ultrasound. All was well. She is in the 38 percentile as far as growth. She currently weighs 2 pounds 10 ounces. Growth rate all was right on track the doctor said. Another visit and another strike out on ultrasound pics. I am half tempted to go to one of those 3D places simply because we haven’t gotten any real good shots yet. Matthew was his usual hilarious self. I don’t know if I mentioned this in the other posts but when the doctor got over the heart and we could see the heart moving Matthew says “Look baby is talking to me!” He really thinks the heart beating is her mouth moving 🙂 He was pretty good though in picking things out. It all went by in a blur to be honest but Matthew picked a lot out. The miracle of…Technology. Of course I had to say it right 😉 Let me say that the miracle of life is right up there, but I am still fascinated that technology can peak inside a person’s body and get pictures of a spine wrigglin around in real time. Just to be able to see the babies head, and spine, and heart beating, it truly is awe inspiring.
The Move – Most of the last few updates have been about our move. If you are oblivious or missed out, we relocated to Newark, DE as we wait for our house to sell. The move itself went very well. We have found a few things that didn’t make it but all in all, it went well. Today was recycling day so last night I killed myself getting all the empty boxes out of the house 🙂 I was even amazed at how much more room there was. Outside of the freezing cold first floor and the lack of DirecTV, I think we both are very happy with the place.
The Thiers – Just wanted to give a quick congrats the Angie and the Thiers family on the birth of Chandler James Thier. He was born 3:30pm on Saturday March 1st. He weighed 8lbs and 11oz and was 21 inches long. Just wanted to pat myself on the back as I guessed the weight exactly and was a tenth of an inch off of the length, not too shabby I say 🙂 Congrats guys and best wishes!

Not much else to say at this point. Think I will catch a TiVo’ed show while Matthew and Michelle nap before tackling some more boxes. Hope everyone is doing well!
Love, Scott, Michelle, Matthew, and MBS!
Listening to: Linkin Park – The Little Things Give You Away
via FoxyTunes
LOL! Yep, you definitely earned those bragging rights. And I agree, the sonogram is amazing. That’s so sweet that Matthew thinks she’s talking to him. I’m praying she’ll reach full term so you and Michelle don’t have to go thru all that again!
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY !!! Don’t know an address to mail a card. Tried to send an ecard to you and Matthew in January but that didn’t work. Retirement next year. Can we park the trailer at your new house? Heading to Milwaukee and Wichita, KS in June. Send us your new address. We have some “things” for ya’ll. Glad to hear everyone is doing well. Love Ya’ll !!!