After literally one year of driving back and forth to Philly everyday for work since the house has not sold, it looks like there may be a light at the end of the tunnel, maybe 🙂
The last 3 months have been horribly hectic with work, home, and the holidays so I apologize in advance to some of you that I have been neglecting in the communications front 🙂 It all started a few weeks back when the company wanted to try and eliminate some of my expenses, which I can’t blame them as they have been in upwards of $2,300/month. At first we started looking at leasing a car instead of renting one. I asked Michelle to start looking into that, but a funny thing happened 😉
My daily devotional one morning talked about simplicity and worry. Psalms 55:22 states “Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you”. I have prayed for the house to sell for quite some time and obviously to no avail 🙂 Well instead of worrying about the house selling I instead asked for the Lord to take away my worries and to show me where he wanted me. If the house wasn’t to sell then show me something else. That day Michelle and Matthew came with me to work to visit Tom and Theresa’s new baby. Michelle talked with Theresa about the house situation and Theresa made the comment “I’m surprised they haven’t gotten you an apartment by now.” Man I felt dumb. Why didn’t I think of that 😉 Michelle and I talked about it on the long ride home and she was up for it, so I brought it up to the company and put the numbers together that it would cut expenses by about half if we moved to an apartment while the house sells.
This is something Michelle and I wanted to do after the house sold anyway so we didn’t have to rush trying to find a new place when this house sold. This was perfect. Well last week Michelle and I visited close to 25 apartments and townhouses in Delaware and came up with a good 5 or 6 we would be OK with, but 1 we definitely liked above all. A townhouse in Newark, literally the last place we visited, was amazing. More square footage then our home now, but only two bedrooms, a huge kitchen and living room, and a garage even.
All this to say we got the OK from the Townhouse this afternoon and passed this on to the company. The price is a little higher than we wanted but it really can’t be beat. No official word yet but it looks like we will get the green light, just need to work out the semantics. So it looks like as early as next weekend we may have a new address. We’ll let you know once we get the final word, but it may be a little busy over the next two weeks so don’t hold your breath! 🙂
Yay, that’s so exciting!! I know it’ll be a big relief! Maybe it’ll even help your house sell faster? 🙂 Congratulations!!