It’s been awhile since I have posted, plus there was a ton of things that happened today, and of course I want to build the suspense, so this might take awhile 🙂
After Michelle and Matthew dropped me off at work, they went and ate breakfast and dropped by Walmart to waste some time until the doctors appointments. Michelle started picking some small things out one in blue and one in pink. She started asking Matthew which one he liked. After awhile he started saying “I don’t like the pink one, I want the blue.” Previously Matthew has really not commented on the boy or girl question, other than a small “I want a baby brother.”
In any case, they came and picked me up from work off we went to the doctors. Michelle’s first appointment was her visit with the high risk doctors. As usual we waited and waited and finally got into an office where one of the doctors in the practice came and chatted with us. We went over a few things and we then were pushed back into the waiting room to wait for a room for the ultrasound. He I think we waited another hour before being taken back, but the time waiting was well spent as we discussed more baby names. After awhile, Matthew finally wanted to join in so he gave his opinion on all our suggestions, “No!” and gave some choices of his own, Mater, Marlin, Nemo, Sally, and various other cartoon characters 🙂
Michelle went back first because the nurse didn’t want Matthew around if by chance there was anything wrong. I don’t know about you, but this bothered me. I understand her concern for Matthew, but he is so young, the only thing he understand is if his mother or father are upset. What about Michelle, should something be wrong, she would have been alone in this cold room as the nurse tells her “I am so sorry to tell you this, but…”. In any case MBS was not cooperating very well so Michelle went to relieve her bladder and try to get MBS to turn some to get a better look see. In the mean time, the nurse brought us back to the room and we waited for Michelle to get back.
Michelle got back and got all set up and here’s where the fun began 🙂 Matthew stood on the stool next to her and I stood up as we watched the pictures come across the screen. I have to pause here and say, in my opinion, ultrasounds are the most amazing thing in the world. There is nothing like knowing you have created a new being, but to see this being alive, moving, and to actually see fingers, and bones, and a spine, all I can say is breath taking. Matthew really enjoys seeing the baby on the screen and talks the whole time. Well we get a good picture of the heart and see it beating up a storm and the nurse tells up it’s the heart but Matthew proclaims to us “I see the babies head!” We try to tell him that it is the heart but he was having nothing to do with it, “See you can see the mouth moving!” Well we all got a kick out of that and the nurse kept getting pretty good shots of the fingers and arms and legs, the whole nine yards.
Well MBS was not cooperating much at all in getting a head shot or a genital shot so the nurse proceed to push pretty hard into Michelle’s stomach and wiggle quite hard. Kind of felt bad for the kid as they were going through a hurricane right now 🙂 Well MBS finally moved a bit and we did get to see the head and face as well as a quick glance at the genitals.
Have I put you through enough torture yet 😉 Well, with 95% certainty the nurse says, “It’s a girl!” To be honest I am thrilled for Michelle, because I knew she wanted a girl. The cliche of wanting a healthy baby is really true for me. The only thing I care about is a healthy baby whatever 🙂 But the only thing I am having difficulties with at this point is that I don’t see a baby girl currently at 20 weeks old, no, I see a 16 year old beautiful young lady trying to go on a date and me with numerous guns there cleaning them as her date comes calling to the house. At some point pretty quickly I am going to hvae to get this image out of my head 🙂 In any case, she had her legs crossed at the ankles and her head down to her chest which made things very difficult. The nurse and the doctor who later came in said that everything looked great. She currently weighs 12 ounces. No visual birth defects, everything looked completely normal which I am thrilled with.
Well Matthew still I don’t think has taken to the fact that he will have a little baby sister instead of a brother. Michelle is a little worried about that but I told her he will have to adjust to any new child, boy or girl, doesn’t matter.
To be honest I can barely keep my eyes open any longer as this has taken way longer than I wanted, but it was fun torturing all of you that made it this far 🙂 The next step is to go to the polls section and vote for what name you like. Michelle and I have our favorite, but I am not willing to call it a day yet as we still have plenty of time left to make a decision.
Thank you to all of you that read this and for all the support you all give us!
All our love, Scott, Michelle, Matthew, and MBS! 🙂