The Miller's! · December 30, 2010 0

A Quick Update on Morgan

Evening All,

Literally walking dead here.  Was a long night trust me, but well worth it!  At about 3am Morgan woke up and for the most part was normal again 🙂  She smiled, ate, watched TV, all the usual stuff 🙂  We finally turned the corner.  She stayed up most of the night until she fell asleep from exhaustion at about 6pm.  During her time awake, we were able to get both IV’s removed allowing her to get down and run around and play.  Her appetite definitely was back as she ate quite a bit for breakfast and lunch, but by dinner time she was so tired she didn’t eat much.  Today started the first day of a new chapter.  Both Michelle and I had to practice giving shots, answer questions to make sure we were competent enough to allow Morgan to come home with us.  After our first roommate, it makes me thankful for what they do, because what seems like a no brainer to me in making sure my child will get the medicine she needs to survive, is not that important to some people, and that is just a sad state of affairs.  All going well and the doctors feel comfortable allowing her to come home, we all should be home tomorrow!

I really don’t think I will ever get Tuesday out of my mind.  I knew things were bad, but just didn’t know how bad.  Much like when Matthew was born and the naivety that everything would be fine, when in fact we were blessed to have a healthy baby boy premature by 6 weeks, weighing 3 pounds 10 ounces, without any issue at all.  In looking at blood glucose levels,  I see anything over 500 is considered possibly fatal.  A reminder that when Morgan checked in her blood glucose level was 536.  Honestly, I don’t know how else to continue with that, so let’s move on.

As I slowly lose focus because of my lack of sleep, let me go backwards for a minute as this question continues to come up.  How did we know?  Well the easy answer is we had no clue.  We did see some pointers, but nothing we really could point to and say, hey diabetes.  It all started about 3 weeks ago when Morgan puked.  I think the first time, but I could be wrong.  As most of it was chocolate, we assumed she was in the kitchen chomping on way too much without us knowing and she just got sick.  The other issue around this time was the constant urination.  We attributed this to just a bad case of diapers.  It seemed like every single diaper in the box leaked, when in fact she was just peeing so much, the diapers couldn’t keep up.  By changing the box of diapers it helped some but not a lot.  Looking back we also noticed that she was constantly thirsty.  She could not get enough to drink.  Finally, Tuesday, she puked twice in a manner of minutes and Michelle called the doc to get in as soon as possible.  And the rest as they say is history.

So that’s that.  I hope this may have answered some of your questions.  Honestly I don’t think I could say anymore at this point.  I literally am spacing out as I type I am so tired, so let me bid you adieu 🙂  have a good night all, and I can’t wait to tell everyone tomorrow that we are home and doing well.  Very quickly, I just want to say thank you to friends, family, coworkers, who have given their support in one fashion or another, through phone calls, texts, emails, Facebook posts and messages.  I can’t tell you how much it means knowing we have so many people praying and thinking of us during this time.  We love each and every one of you and I hope you know that!
