Since I really don’t want to do any of the house work I really need to do, I figured I would post something here 🙂
Morgan is growing well. We had the first tooth pop out a couple of weeks ago. It really hurts, no not her, but my finger when she constantly chews on them 🙂 She is standing up well on us, hasn’t stood on her own yet. She is sitting up great on her own. She defintely tries to crawl but gets frustrated when she doesn’t get there fast enough. Part of her problem is she only rolls one sided, to the right.
Right now Michelle is feeding her, and she’s eating a ton. Not sure if she is really hungry or heating up the food has helped, but she went through one bowl and Michele asked if she should give her more. I said if she wants it give it to her 🙂 She likes carrots, doesn’t like green beans, and doesn’t like the cereal much. Bananas didn’t do much for her, too sweet maybe, because with every bite she would ive that tart face look, it was hilarious 🙂
She loves her bouncer. She will stand in it and bounce for quite some time. She enjoys it so much when she stands on Michelle or I she will still bounce all over. Sleeping is still an issue. Once every three or four weeks she just refuses to sleep and last night was that night. Michelle tried for a few hours and was unsuccessful, so I finally took her. I tried walking around with her, tried laying down with her, finally I came downstairs to try and let Michelle get some sleep. After about a half hour, I think she gave up 🙂 I put her in her swing when she got quiet and kept talking to her until she fell asleep. Then I proceeded to endure a horrendous nights sleep on the couch 🙂 But she slept until 7:30, a full 6 or 7 hours, so that was great. I passed her off to Michelle upstairs and came back down to sleep a little longer.
Well wasted enough time, let me try and get some things done today. Hope all of you are doing well.